“Gintama Atonomatsuri 2023 (Kakkokari),” the last settlement occasion of the anime series in view of Hideaki Sorachi’s puplar satire manga Gintama, is set to be held at Ryogoku Kokugikan in Tokyo on Walk 19, 2023. The anime seris has been holding an exceptional occasion at the setting for multiple times altogether since Walk 2010.
In Japanese, “Ato no Matsuri” in a real sense signifies “post-celebration” and utilized as a colloquialism as in it is beyond any good time to lament. Notwithstanding, the strict significance of this occasion’s title is precisely exact thing it implies: a celebration after the anime is finished. So the expression is “Atonomatsuri will start! We should go together to the opposite side of the last!”
All of the fundamental voice cast individuals will assemble – Tomokazu Sugita (Gintoki Sakata), Daisuke Sakaguchi (Shinpachi Shimura), Rie Kugimiya (Kagura), Susumu Chiba (Isao Kondo), Kazuya Nakai (Toshiro Hijikata), Kenichi Suzumura (Sougo Okita), Tetsuhara Ohta (Sagaru Yamazaki), Mikako Takahashi (Sadaharu/Tsu Terakado). What’s more, DOES, a three-part musical gang who gave the anime’s signature melodies, will likewise join for a unique exhibition. Advance ticket lottery will be held from October 11 to 27.
If you are interested in Gintama-Inspired designer products, please see more at Gintama Collection here!